
Alumnifire for Bay View is a grassroots networking community launched by Bay View community members in September 2019.
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Lauren profile image
Katharine profile image
Victoria profile image
Lynda profile image
Julee profile image
Kamila profile image
Yamlin profile image
Sage profile image
Maya profile image
Kate profile image
Cassie profile image
Isabella profile image
JIll profile image
Julia profile image
Cairis profile image
Ava profile image
Amy profile image
Isabella profile image
Marchelle profile image
Faith profile image
Lauren profile image
Lisa profile image
Allison profile image
Hannah profile image
Donna profile image
Christina profile image
Alex profile image
Kathleen profile image
Eboneé profile image
Ella profile image
Jessica profile image
Mariah profile image
Carolyn profile image
Emily profile image
Virginia profile image
Elizabeth (Liz) profile image

Start connecting with the Bay View alumnae network today.

Why join the Bay View alumnae network on Alumnifire?

Find friends from your network, old and new.
Open Doors
Help others in the community by opening doors for them in your network.
Build your network by finding other members who want to help.